William Pound was born in Romsey, Hampshire on 9 Aug 1844 and attested for the 45th Foot at Southampton, serving for 1 year 326 days, being discharged on 29 Mar 1862 with bad feet, as detailed by the examining Surgeon:
“Has little or no muscular development of the lower limbs, contraction of the right foot and is subject to a frequent succession of corns, chiefly confined to the soles of both feet rendering him quite unfit for even the rudimentary duties of a soldier. Invariably falls out when the Regiment is route marching and if for any length of time on parade. His disabilities are attributable to congenital infancy and have not been aggravated by vice or misconduct”.
William married Mary Henbest on 25 Dec 1863 at the Abbey Chapel, Romsey, aged 23 years with an occupation as Miller’s Assistant, residing at Middlebridge Street, Romsey.
Pound entered the Royal Navy as Stoker on 11 Nov 1868, volunteering for continuous service on 1 Apr 1870. On 24 Feb 1870, whilst serving aboard H.M.S. Chanticleer, Pound deserted, his name circulated in the Admiralty Police Gazette of 3 Aug 1870, recovered on 1 Apr 1870 and re-joining his ship with his punishment not unrecorded, subsequently joining H.M.S. Minotaur on 13 Mar 1872.
Pound was then posted to a plethora of ships: H.M.S. Asia on 16 May 1873, H.M.S. Hector 7 June 1873, H.M.S. Simoom 15 July 1873, H.M.S. Druid 12 Aug 1873, H.M.S. Decoy 15 Sep 1873, H.M.S. Flora 6 Jan 1874, H.M.S. Active 28 May 1874, H.M.S. Flora 12 Aug 1874, H.M.S. Duke of Wellington 14 Oct 1874, H.M.S. Asia 24 Oct 1874, H.M.S. Sultan 16 May 1876, H.M.S. Sultan 16 May 1876, H.M.S. Black Prince 9 May 1878, H.M.S. Duke of Wellington 1 Jan 1879, H.M.S. Asia 18 Jan 1879, H.M.S. Hercules 9 June 1880, H.M.S. Duke of Wellington 19 Aug 1882, H.M.S. Asia 29 Jan 1881, H.M.S. Nelson 21 July 1881, H.M.S. Royal Adelaide 11 Mar 1882, H.M.S. Asia 27 March 1882, H.M.S. Champion 1 Oct 1883, Pembroke 19 June 1887, H.M.S. Asia 1 Sep 1887, H.M.S. Penelope 1 July 1891 from where he was discharged invalid via the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar 3 June 1892 and awarded a pension.
Pound served as a Stoker for his entire service. Apart from his desertion, he had four breaks in “Very Good” conduct excluding him from the award of the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. The 1901 census records Pound employed as a Stoker at the local water works residing with his wife at 187 Middlebridge Street, Romsey, the 1911 census records he is a 70 year old pensioner residing with his wife at the same address in Romsey where he died on 3 Mar 1921.
H.M.S. Decoy was an Aerial Class Composite Gun Boat and there are 69 Ashantee Medals no clasp issued to the ship, this Pound’s sole Medal entitlement.